Best Practices for Content Writers to Avoid Plagiarism Penalties
Everybody knows that plagiarism is an unethical way to write content. It also causes severe consequences that can be difficult to handle. Therefore, writers always look for ways on how to avoid plagiarism.
In this blog, we have sorted a list of strategies that you will find helpful for making your written content unique. But first, we will look into the details of what it is and how it can affect you and your content. So, let’s have a look!
Understanding What is Plagiarism in Content Writing
The simple definition of plagiarism is to steal and pass off the ideas or words of someone else as your own without crediting the owner. Plagiarism is an unethical act of copying someone’s ideas directly and using them for your own work. The one who duplicates takes the credit for the work as the original source or the author is not cited. It could include copying website content, blog posts, case studies, research, statistics, text-based images, video subtitles, audio transcripts, lyrics, or even ideas with acknowledgment.
The intent of plagiarising content is to save the time and effort that are required to create compelling and engaging material. It could also happen when the duplicator is tempted to use it because the writing style resonates with the audience, too.
But there is one more thing to consider in this regard. Sometimes, we get inspired by a piece of content, or we want to add similar ideas to our content. In this case, unintentional plagiarism can occur. Also, some generic statements can lead to duplication. Moreover, content is abundant, and people can have the same ideas in their heads, which can collide.
Therefore, it is always necessary to avoid plagiarism, especially in writing. Otherwise, you will have to face hefty fines or severe penalties like in academics.
How Search Engines Treat Plagiarized Content
Search engines like Google do not appreciate duplicated content. As we know, it is a bunch of algorithms that are programmed to examine the content before ranking. It considers multiple factors to authenticate the web pages. The sites that pass this test are ranked at the top of the search engine result page. Originality is also a factor in building credibility. If more than one website has the same content, their ranking is diluted.
Let’s look at the other consequences of plagiarising online written material.
- Copied material does not add value for the readers. So, they may be unable to build any emotional link to your site.
- Your authenticity will be at stake, and your brand identity will be ruined.
- If material is copied, it may lead to copyright lawsuits, heavy fines, or even serving in jail.
Top 5 Strategies on How to Avoid Consequences of Plagiarism
Plagiarism can cause serious issues, but luckily, there are some strategies to reduce those consequences effectively. Here, we will be sharing five strategies that can prevent you from the issue of plagiarism.
Cite The Sources
Most of the time, plagiarism is caused by missed citations. A simple way to avoid this issue is to add a citation & give credit to the original creator. It is a must to reference the research material and the reference site. Proper citations show that you have researched on your own. It also provides your readers with the source to explore the topic further.
Without credits, it is assumed that all the ideas are yours. So, if the same ideas are found in already published content, it will lead to plagiarism, which is often called incremental plagiarism. So, remember that a simple citation can protect your content from plagiarism next time you borrow an idea.
Use Quotations
We all use quotes to add expert options or evidence to prove our point. However, if you are not adding it properly, you are committing plagiarism. So, the right way is to add double quotes to the idea you are copying directly.
Rephrase Properly
Rephrasing allows you to use someone else’s ideas while keeping your content original. Instead of copying sentences word-for-word, rephrase them in your own words. However, rephrasing is not just about changing a few words. You need to fully understand the original idea and then express it differently.
Rephraser adds value to your writing and maintains your unique voice. Rephrasing skills enhance writing abilities and make the content more powerful. But, if you are unsure about your rephrased content, you can use our rephraser. It helps restructure sentences without spending too much time finding the right words.
Write in Your Own Words
The best way to avoiding plagiarism is to write using your experiences, insights, and knowledge. Jotting down your ideas in your own words helps to naturally create original content. The risk of unintentional plagiarism decreases when you rely on your thoughts.
Having top-notch writing skills is essential for effective writing because it builds credibility. Engage readers more with personal and authentic content rather than repeating existing ideas. You can avoid plagiarism and strengthen your connection with your audience by writing from your own understanding.
Use a Plagiarism Checker
Even if you carefully cite sources and rephrase them correctly, checking your work for plagiarism is always a good idea. This originality test will help you to scan and identify any unintentional similarities with online sources.
To do so, run your text through the rephrase.info’s plagiarism checker. It will highlight all the duplicate content within seconds. This tool helps ensure that you have not accidentally copied too much from another source and that all citations are correctly included.
Wrap Up
Plagiarism in content writing may not directly impact your content. But it can damage the credibility and ranking or even de-rank your site. So, take precautionary measures to create better content for your site. We have added all the techniques and tried and tested tips to avoid plagiarism. You can incorporate all of them to protect your content from plagiarism penalties.